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Friday 25 October 2024
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Student Feedback on Teaching and Learning

Student Feedback on Teaching and Learning (SFTL), formerly known as Student Evaluation of Teaching and Learning (SETL), provides a structured feedback mechanism for the University’s courses and teaching. SFTL Questionnaires are endorsed by the Teaching and Learning Quality Committee (TLQC) and used to gather feedback from students on the courses and teachers. The SFTL covers all HKU undergraduate / taught postgraduate / research postgraduate courses. Departments and other teaching centres are required to share the feedback on courses with students via the Staff-Student Consultative Committees or other channels, and take appropriate actions for improvement.


When and how can I participate in the SFTL?
The SFTL can be filled out using any internet-accessible device after the class, or it can be completed online any time before the deadline. By visiting http://sftl.hku.hk/, all forms (completed / outstanding) of your enrolled courses will be shown.
Are my responses anonymous?
Yes, your university number is only used to identify outstanding forms and to avoid multiple submissions of the same course. It is not linked to the collected data, so all your feedback is truly anonymous.
Will my feedback affect my grade in certain courses?
No. While all feedback is truly anonymous, the results are not shown to teacher until the completion of examination process, so they cannot affect your grades.
What is a tutor / demonstrator / instructor?
Besides lecturers and teachers, the teacher evaluation in SFTL also covers tutors (may be teaching assistants or graduate students) who run tutorials, as well as demonstrators and instructors who run lab sections or field trips.
Are there other ways to share feedback?
When you take the SFTL, we encourage you to fill out the open-ended comments section. As a gentle reminder, we welcome constructive critical feedback that is geared towards helping the department and teacher to improve. However, there is no place for comments of an aggressive or vindictive nature, nor for a tone that is less than civil and respectful. If you have comments of a personal nature that you feel compelled to make about individual teachers, these are better discussed directly with the teachers concerned. Alternatively, if you feel uncomfortable about doing this, you can always take the matter up with the relevant course leader, programme leader or head of department, who will deal with the matter in a fair and even-handed manner.
How can I view the course effectiveness of a course?
The results of course evaluation can be accessed by teachers and students via the Student Information System (SIS). Please follow the path: HKU Portal > Student Information System > HKU Course Management > Course Effectiveness.
How does the University make use of my feedback?
SFTL questionnaires provide a structured feedback mechanism for the University’s courses and teaching. Feedback from students is used to improve teaching. Teachers, Departments, and teaching centres are required to take follow-up actions drawing on the SFTL data and share the responses with students by disseminating and publishing course feedback summaries through Staff-Student Consultative Committees and other channels.

Useful Links for Staff
Access to SFTL Reports
Teachers may view the SFTL reports of their corresponding courses via:

HKU Portal > My Page > Self Service > Teaching & Learning > SFTL online reports

SFTL Documents


Faculties / departments are welcome to contact Dr. Maggie Zhao at myzhao@hku.hk for support in data interpretation, and Mr. Samson Lee at scylee@hku.hk for technical and administrative supports.