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Professional Certificate in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education

IntroductionModulesRegistrationMoodleContact us


This 18-hour programme consists of four modules (to check the details of each module, please go to “Modules”):

  1. Outcome Based Approaches to Student Learning (OBASL)
  2. Assessment and Feedback
  3. Designing Learning Activities
  4. Continuing Professional Development

The first three modules are mandatory for all the participants. All participants need to take Module 1 before taking other modules. New staff may apply for exemption for attendance of Module 4 if they have obtained an AHE Fellowship before joining HKU. To apply for an exemption for the attendance of Module 4, please send your request and your AHE Fellowship Certificate to Ms. Canice Mok (tsmok@hku.hk).

The first three modules involve three contact hours and two-hour pre- and/or post-tasks. The participants will be asked to complete task(s) such as reading, watching video(s), or preparing a statement etc. – and relate this to their own teaching context. The fourth module will involve 3 contact hours only.

Once the first three modules (15 hours) (if a colleague successfully obtained the exemption for Module 4) or all four modules (18 hours) (if a colleague decide not to apply for exemption for Module 4) have been successfully completed, the participants will receive a certificate.

Delivery of modules

The three modules will be delivered eight times a year, following the University’s academic calendar. This allows academic staff to select a time to attend a module fitting into their own time table. The modules may be offered online or face-to-face, subject to recommendations from the Task Force on Infectious Diseases and availability of classrooms, at different times.

Module 1: Outcome-Based Approaches to Student Learning (OBASL)

Intended Learning Outcomes

By the end of the module, participants should be able to apply the principles of OBASL and learning taxonomies in the course/programme design.


Module 1 will discuss the key principles of OBSAL and learning taxonomies that can be applied to guide one’s course or programme design.
This module has two delivery modes.

Mode 1: The flipped mode

In this delivery mode, Module 1 requires participants’ the completion of three learning components sequentially: 1.5 hours pre-class learning, 2 hours in-class learning, and 1.5 hours after-class learning. Different from Modules 2, 3 and 4, you only need to stay in class for 2 hours.

Components Detail Time
Pre-class learning: Reading: Biggs, J. (2012). What the student does: Teaching for enhanced learning. Higher Education Research and Development, 31(1), 39-55.
1.5 hours
Learning activity: Log into Moodle to complete 6 learning units (around 4 to 10 minutes each) before joining the in-class learning.
In-class learning
(in the classroom/on ZOOM):
Hands-on activities and discussions on the application of OBASL in practice 2 hours
After-class learning:
  1. Watch a video on the application of OBASL in real practice.
  2. Write a 600-word reflection on:
    1. For those who have got a course to teach: A review of a course syllabus drawing on what is discussed in Module 1 (e.g. constrictive alignment, levels of understanding, facilitating student understanding, etc) and an action plan on what you would like to keep, change, add or delete, and the justification; OR
    2. For those who haven’t got a course to teach yet: How your views or assumptions about the course/programme design have been impacted, challenged, or confirmed as a result of attending Module 1. Or how different your views or assumptions about the course/programme design are from OBASL. Specify to what extent and in which aspects.
1.5 hours

A guide to Module 1

A guide to Module 1 has been prepared to explain what Module 1 is about and, most importantly, how to complete its pre-learning tasks in Moodle. Prior to starting Module 1 pre-class learning, it is very important to read this guide. We offer the guide in two formats (video and PDF) so that you can choose the format that best suits your learning preference. It is only necessary to go through one set of them. Both formats are available on Moodle as well.

Option 1 – Watching 2 Videos:
  1. What is in Module 1? (around 6 minutes)
  2. How can I complete the pre-learning tasks for Module 1 on Moodle? (around 4 minutes)
Option 2 – Reading 2 PDF files:
  1. What is in Module 1?
  2. How can I complete the pre-learning tasks for Module 1 on Moodle?

The materials you need to bring to the in-class learning for Module 1

  1. Prepare a question (if you have one) about the contents covered in the pre-class learning; and
    1. For those who have been assigned a course to teach: Bring the syllabus of a course that you are teaching.
    2. For those who haven’t been assigned a course to teach yet: Ask a colleague or a course coordinator for a copy of a course syllabus you might teach in the future. Or, you may bring the syllabus of a course you recently took.
Mode 2: The normal mode

In this delivery mode, Module 1 requires participants’ completion of three learning components: 0.5 hours pre-class learning, 3 hours in-class learning, and 1.5 hours after-class learning.

Components Detail Time
Pre-class learning: Reading: Biggs, J. (2012). What the student does: Teaching for enhanced learning. Higher Education Research and Development, 31(1), 39-55.
0.5 hours
In-class learning
(in the classroom/on ZOOM):
Hands-on activities and discussions on the application of OBASL in practice 3 hours
After-class learning:
  1. Watch a video on the application of OBASL in real practice.
  2. Write a 600-word reflection on:
    1. For those who have got a course to teach: A review of a course syllabus drawing on what is discussed in Module 1 (e.g. constrictive alignment, levels of understanding, facilitating student understanding, etc) and an action plan on what you would like to keep, change, add or delete, and the justification; OR
    2. For those who haven’t got a course to teach yet: How your views or assumptions about the course/programme design have been impacted, challenged, or confirmed as a result of attending Module 1. Or how different your views or assumptions about the course/programme design are from OBASL. Specify to what extent and in which aspects.
1.5 hours

Module 2. Assessment and Feedback

Intended Learning Outcomes

By the end of the module, participants should be able to:

  1. Provide a critical evaluation of the effectiveness of the assessment practices on one or more of their courses;
  2. Demonstrate an understanding of the complexity of providing actionable feedback to students within their own field of study


Assessment and Feedback follow on from the previous module and explores criteria-based assessment, how to design transparent marking grids, and how to support students in developing assessment literacy. The module will also cover the principles of providing effective feedback to students.

Components Detail Time
Pre-class learning: Participants should read ONE of the journal articles below and consider the following:

  • What are the key messages you take away from this article?
  • How has the article influenced your thinking around giving feedback to students?

Participants are expected to submit a 500 words reflective piece based on these two questions before attending the workshop.

Carless, David (2019) Feedback loops and the longer-term: towards feedback spirals. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 44:5, 705-714.

Carless, David and Boud, David (2018) The development of student feedback literacy: enabling uptake of feedback. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 43:8, 1315-1325.

Henderson, Michael, Ryan, Tracii, and Phillips, Michael (2019) The challenges of feedback in higher education. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 44:8, 1237-1252.

1.5 hours
In-class learning
(in classroom/on ZOOM):
Hands-on activities and discussions 3 hours
After-class learning: The final task is a re-working of your pre-module reflection. How has the reading and discussion with your colleagues influenced the way you give feedback to your students?
Your final piece should be around 600 words.
0.5 hour

The materials you need to bring for Module 2

For the first part of the workshop:
Participants are required to bring along their own course documentation for critique and discussion. The documentation should preferably be the same as used for Module 1 – OBASL.
Participants should also bring along marking criteria for a course they are teaching or will be teaching.

For the second part of the workshop:
Participants should bring along their pre-module task for further discussion.

Module 3. Teaching Learning Activities

Intended Learning Outcomes

By the end of the module, participants should be able to choose and integrate Teaching-Learning Activities that are consistent with Course ILOs, meaningfully engage students, and support in preparing for assessments.


Module 3 will briefly review OBASL principles and then discuss participants’ current TLA use in courses, within Lectures, Tutorials, Labs, and Independent Study. This module will support participants in both structuring and broadening their TLA strategies. The completion of Module 3 involves participants’ completing the following three components:

Components Detail Time
Pre-class learning: Reading: Biggs, J. (2012). What the student does: teaching for enhanced learning. Higher Education Research and Development, 31(1), 39-55. doi:10.1080/07294360.2012.642839. (Mostly review and extension of Module 1, so 15 minutes) 1 hour
Moodle activity: Then write reflectively (between 300-400 words) about your TLA alignment experience as a student and/or an instructor (30 mins). Then complete a structured print about TLA alignment in a current or past course (15 mins). The structured prints are available on Moodle . Submit both in the Moodle system before the class.
In-class learning
(in classroom/on ZOOM):
Hands-on activities and discussions on writing learning outcomes and checking alignment 3 hours
After-class learning:
  1. Watch one video on the TLA strategies in Courses at HKU (15mins).
  2. Write a 600-word reflection (45 mins) on:
    1. For those who have got a course to teach: A review of your TLA strategy use across a course. This will include a discussion of Alignment, Student’s meaningful engagement and limitations experienced; OR
    2. For those who haven’t got a course to teach yet: An aligned TLA strategy for an upcoming course, based on course ILOs, expected student profile, and personal aims for the course.
1 hour

The materials you need to bring for Module 3

Reflective writing on TLA alignment experiences and TLA alignment print (past or current course).

Module 4. Continuous Professional Development (CPD) in Learning and Teaching

Intended Learning Outcomes

By the end of the module, participants should be able to:

  1. To demonstrate an understanding of teaching as professionalized practice in higher education
  2. To acknowledge the range of CPD opportunities available to HKU teaching staff
  3. To demonstrate an understanding of the UK Professional Standards Framework

Please note: There are no pre-module and post-module tasks attached to this module.


This final module focuses on professional development in teaching and learning. It outlines the ways in which teaching in higher education has become professionalized over the last few decades, and explores an evidence-based, reflective approach to university teaching and learning.

Workshop outline

  • Introduction to the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
  • Building a teaching profile at HKU
  • Getting recognition for teaching in higher education
  • Personal planning and teaching portfolios


The modules will be available at the following time slots and venues:

Module Date Time Venue
Year 2022 series
Module 1: Outcome-Based Approaches to Student Learning (OBASL) 5 Oct 2022 9:30am – 12:30pm Room 321, Run Run Shaw Building, Main Campus
Module 2: Assessment and Feedback 12 Oct 2022 9:30am – 12:30pm
Module 3: Teaching Learning Activities 19 Oct 2022 9:30am – 12:30pm
Module 4: Continuous Professional Development (CPD) in Learning and Teaching 26 Oct 2022 9:30am – 12:30pm
Module 1: Outcome-Based Approaches to Student Learning (OBASL) 6 Oct 2022 9:30am – 12:30pm Room 321, Run Run Shaw Building, Main Campus
Module 2: Assessment and Feedback 13 Oct 2022 9:30am – 12:30pm
Module 3: Teaching Learning Activities 20 Oct 2022 9:30am – 12:30pm
Module 4: Continuous Professional Development (CPD) in Learning and Teaching 27 Oct 2022 9:30am – 12:30pm
Module 1: Outcome-Based Approaches to Student Learning (OBASL) 4 Nov 2022 9:30am – 12:30pm Room 321, Run Run Shaw Building, Main Campus
Module 2: Assessment and Feedback 11 Nov 2022 9:30am – 12:30pm
Module 3: Teaching Learning Activities 18 Nov 2022 9:30am – 12:30pm
Module 4: Continuous Professional Development (CPD) in Learning and Teaching 25 Nov 2022 9:30am – 12:30pm
Module 1: Outcome-Based Approaches to Student Learning (OBASL) 1 Dec 2022 2:00pm – 5:00pm Room 321, Run Run Shaw Building, Main Campus
Module 2: Assessment and Feedback 8 Dec 2022 2:00pm – 5:00pm
Module 3: Teaching Learning Activities 15 Dec 2022 2:00pm – 5:00pm
Module 4: Continuous Professional Development (CPD) in Learning and Teaching 22 Dec 2022 2:00pm – 5:00pm
Year 2023 series
Module 1: Outcome-Based Approaches to Student Learning (OBASL) 1 Feb 2023 9:30am – 12:30pm Room 321, Run Run Shaw Building, Main Campus
Module 2: Assessment and Feedback 8 Feb 2023 9:30am – 12:30pm
Module 3: Teaching Learning Activities 15 Feb 2023 9:30am – 12:30pm
Module 4: Continuous Professional Development (CPD) in Learning and Teaching 22 Feb 2023 9:30am – 12:30pm
Module 1: Outcome-Based Approaches to Student Learning (OBASL) 2 Feb 2023 2:00pm – 5:00pm Room 321, Run Run Shaw Building, Main Campus
Module 2: Assessment and Feedback 9 Feb 2023 2:00pm – 5:00pm
Module 3: Teaching Learning Activities 16 Feb 2023 2:00pm – 5:00pm
Module 4: Continuous Professional Development (CPD) in Learning and Teaching 23 Feb 2023 2:00pm – 5:00pm
Module 1: Outcome-Based Approaches to Student Learning (OBASL) 1 Mar 2023 9:30am – 12:30pm Room 321, Run Run Shaw Building, Main Campus
Module 2: Assessment and Feedback 15 Mar 2023 9:30am – 12:30pm
Module 3: Teaching Learning Activities 22 Mar 2023 9:30am – 12:30pm
Module 4: Continuous Professional Development (CPD) in Learning and Teaching 29 Mar 2023 9:30am – 12:30pm
Module 1: Outcome-Based Approaches to Student Learning (OBASL) 4 May 2023 9:30am – 12:30pm Room 321, Run Run Shaw Building, Main Campus
Module 2: Assessment and Feedback 11 May 2023 9:30am – 12:30pm
Module 3: Teaching Learning Activities 18 May 2023 9:30am – 12:30pm
Module 4: Continuous Professional Development (CPD) in Learning and Teaching 25 May 2023 9:30am – 12:30pm

Note: All participants need to take Module 1 before taking other modules.

We will move to online teaching if necessary.

Contact Us

Ms. Canice Mok

Executive Assistant
Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning
Phone: 3917 6069
Email: tsmok@hku.hk