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Sunday 8 September 2024
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HKU regularly conducts Learning Experience Questionnaire for Graduates (GLEQ) to invite graduates with HKU Bachelor’s degrees to reflect on their learning experiences during their university studies. In the 2021 administration, 1,471 and 1,539 HKU graduates respectively from the 2016 and 2020 graduating cohorts participated in the survey exercise.

Highlights of Findings

  • More than half of the respondents agreed or strongly agreed on most aspects of their perceived attainment of University Educational Aims. Remaining consistent with the previous administrations, graduates of both cohorts felt most confident about attaining the competencies of Critical Intellectual Inquiry, followed by Lifelong Learning, Communication and Collaboration (Figure 1).
  • For the same cohort of students who completed the student learning experience surveys during and after university studies, results from the longitudinal tracking evidenced gains in the aspects of Tackling Novel Situations and Ill-defined Problems and Communication. The upward trajectory was sustained over time for the 2016 cohort who was surveyed one year and then 5 years after graduation (Figure 2).
  • When reflecting on the university learning experience, many graduates found “communication”, “collaboration”, “knowledge” and “perspective” gained at HKU the most valuable (see sample quotes from the open-ended comments in Figure 3).

Detailed results at the institutional, Faculty and curriculum levels are available at the online Institutional Survey Reports System (ISRS). This System enables Faculties to dynamically generate survey reports at various levels and make comparisons across administration years. All academic staff and administrative staff with access rights granted can directly access the System after logging on to the HKU Portal account (HKU Portal > Self Service > Teaching and Learning > Institutional Survey Reports > View Reports). Detailed instructions on using the System are available in the User Manual, downloadable from here.

Faculties are welcome to contact Dr. Maggie Zhao at myzhao@hku.hk for support in interpreting and utilising survey data, and Ms. Yvonne Chan at chanyyw@hku.hk for technical support in using the System.

Agreement Percentages on Perceived Attainment of University Educational Aims
Figure 1. Agreement Percentages on Perceived Attainment of University Educational Aims


Longitudinal Tracking of Perceived Attainment of University Educational Aims
Figure 2. Longitudinal Tracking of Perceived Attainment of University Educational Aims


Sample Quotes of Comments on Positive Learning Experiences
Figure 3. Sample Quotes of Comments on Positive Learning Experiences