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Sunday 8 September 2024
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HKU conducts annual institutional surveys on taught postgraduate students’ learning experiences (SLEQ-TPG). The survey findings offer evidence-based insights into teaching and learning quality assurance and enhancement. All taught postgraduate students are invited to participate in SLEQ-TPG in their final year of studies. In 202-22, a total of 4304 participants completed SLEQ-TPG.


  • Student perceptions of Attainment of University Educational Aims, Teaching and Learning Environment, and Overall Satisfaction all reported scores of four or above on a five-point scale (Figure 1).
  • As in previous years, the three highest ratings were on Knowledge and Skills, Relevance to Practice and Active Learning.
  • Frequently mentioned as best aspects of the TPG experience were “learn”, “professional” and “perspective” (Figure 2).

Detailed results at the institutional, Faculty, and curriculum levels are made available to Faculties to facilitate reviews and development of their teaching and learning. Please refer to the information here.

SLEQ-TPG Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) from 2017-18 to 2021-22.
Figure 1. SLEQ-TPG Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) from 2017-18 to 2021-22.


Figure 2. Open-ended Comments on Best Aspects of University Experience (Blue) and Suggestions for Improvement (Red) in Comparison Word Clouds and Sample Quotes from Students.