The Student Learning Experience Questionnaire – Taught Postgraduate (SLEQ-TPG), conducted annually, supports teaching and learning at the University by providing data-driven insights for quality assurance and enhancement. Inviting all taught postgraduate students in their final year of study, the 2023-24 SLEQ-TPG received responses from nearly 5000 students.
- Feedback from TPG respondents has been consistently positive (Figure 1).
- Gains compared to the previous administration were found in Enhancement of Leadership and Advocacy Skills and Dissertation / Capstone project / Practicum.
- Frequently mentioned concepts as the best aspects of the TPG experience included “practical”, “opportunities”, “people” and “knowledge” (Figure 2).
Detailed results at the institutional, Faculty, and curriculum levels are made available to Faculties to support the review and enhancement of their teaching and learning processes. Please refer to the information
Figure 1. SLEQ-TPG Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) from 2019-20 to 2023-24.
Figure 2. Open-ended Comments on Best Aspects of University Experience (Blue) and Suggestions for Improvement (Red) in Comparison Word Clouds and Sample Quotes from Students.