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Monday 3 March 2025
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Student Learning Experience Surveys (SLEQ)

HKU conducts institutional surveys on students’ learning experiences for undergraduates and taught postgraduates on a regular basis to yield information for analysis and renewal of curriculum and pedagogy. These analyses help ensure and enhance the quality of students’ learning experiences.


The survey findings are analysed and fed back to individual Faculties or programmes. Discussions are held with Deans, Associate Deans, programme directors and relevant staff members to address issues arising from the findings for the purpose of curriculum and pedagogy monitoring and renewal. In future surveys students will become more actively involved as they have an integral part to play in jointly constructing the curriculum and the learning.

As a means to gather feedback from major stakeholders and as an essential source for ongoing improvement, the SLEQ feeds into the institutional wide focus reviews, which include but not limited to the themes of internationalisation, experiential learning, Common Core curriculum, and English language enhancement. The survey findings, both quantitative results and qualitative comments, provide valuable data in support of quality assurance and quality enhancement.

Each year, all first and final year undergraduate students are invited to complete the Student Learning Experience Questionnaire – Undergraduate (SLEQ – UG). The aim of this survey is to collect data about undergraduate students’ perceptions on the achievement of their educational aims and their learning experience at HKU, with a focus on their experience of the degree curriculum as a whole.
In response to Faculties’ request, the SLEQ – UG2 was introduced in April 2014 for administration to second year students under the new 4-year curriculum.
At the postgraduate level, the Student Learning Experience Questionnaire − Taught Postgraduate (SLEQ − TPG) seeks students’ perceptions of the curriculum and the learning outcomes resulting from the programme, containing questions that are specific for the taught-postgraduate curricula to cater for the characteristics of taught postgraduate programmes. The collected data are used to provide feedback to enhance the programme quality.
Once every two years, HKU conducts Learning Experience Questionnaire for Graduates (GLEQ) to understand the experiences of graduates during their full-time study of the Bachelor’s degree at HKU. Two different cohorts are invited in each round and the survey findings will be used to inform the University’s curriculum renewal. Surveys are also conducted with HKU graduates’ employers to understand their overall impression on HKU graduates.
In the past, HKU conducted a survey to gather information about HKU entrants’ learning experiences at secondary school and their expectations about the learning that they will experience at HKU. The survey findings helped ensure that we provided a learning environment that would help students realize their intellectual potential.Other HKU institutional surveys of student learning experiences cover specific areas including eLearning, learning environment, international education, experiential learning, service learning and volunteer work. These are conducted when necessary.



Key Findings from the Institutional Surveys
Useful Information for Staff
Sample Questionnaires
SLEQ-UGF | Employer Survey

Access to Reports

The Institutional Survey Reports System (ISRS) serves as the online self-service platform for users to retrieve institutional survey results from the Student Learning Experience Questionnaire (SLEQ) and other institutional surveys.

The System can be accessed by academic staff and those administrative staff who have been granted access rights, via:

HKU Portal > My Page > Self Service > Teaching & Learning > Institutional Survey Reports

The User Manual for the ISRS is available here.

In addition to the self-service ISRS platform, the Survey Administrator regularly disseminate the institutional survey reports to Faculties. Colleagues are advised to contact the respective Faculty Offices for requesting survey reports.


Faculties / departments are welcome to contact Dr. Maggie Zhao at myzhao@hku.hk for support in interpreting and utilizing survey data, and Ms. Yvonne Chan at chanyyw@hku.hk for technical and administrative supports.